Worship is Sunday at 10 a.m.
Worship is Sunday at 10 a.m.
Signed in as:
Everyone is welcome at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, and all are welcome to receive all God has to offer — God’s gifts and sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
You are welcome to enjoy all of God’s love through weddings, funerals, and regular participation in worship and service to this congregation in every way, including giving of your time, talents, and resources.
Worship is each Sunday at 10 a.m. We look forward to getting to know you better and deeper as you worship with us on Sunday mornings.
Here’s the Idea
Join in with other pilgrims for our Sunday nights during the Season of Lent 2025. Following a wonderful dinner provided by Jane Park, Pastor Mary Anderson will guide us in a deeper look at the Ten Commandments and Martin Luther’s explanation of them in the Small Catechism. This time, it’s a confirmation class without the memorization and hormones!
Confirmation studies were a long time ago for many of us. Our lives have changed, and so have the church community and the world we live in. Luther was great at explaining in simple language what the commandments tell us not to do but also what the commandments call us to do instead. It’s the positive side of these famous 10 that we’ll focus on. We’ll zero in on how these ancient commandments shape our discipleship and how they help us speak about our world today. Don’t we all need a little dose of that right now?
Here's the schedule
On these Sundays
You might recognize Ryan Mears as the mother of those cute little blonde girls, Delaney and Dylan, who sit down in front at worship on Sunday mornings. If you knew how nervous Ryan was about bringing young children to sit through a church service, you’d wonder why she ever chose to sit near the front.
Perhaps, unknowingly, she was testing
You might recognize Ryan Mears as the mother of those cute little blonde girls, Delaney and Dylan, who sit down in front at worship on Sunday mornings. If you knew how nervous Ryan was about bringing young children to sit through a church service, you’d wonder why she ever chose to sit near the front.
Perhaps, unknowingly, she was testing the congregation to see how welcoming we would be to a family with “imperfectly behaved” children. She said she felt welcomed and included from the very first day and knew she had found her family’s new church home.
Greg Sommers has always had a strong faith. He grew up in the Roman Catholic
church and came to the Lutheran denomination after marrying Brenda, a life-long
Over the past 8 years, Greg has served as a member of the Property Team,
Council, choir, praise band and a small group. When asked, “Why Pilgrim,” Greg
says, “It’s the feeling of belonging that keeps me coming.”
Joe Kaminer, a big muscular bear of a guy, could be imposing, that is, until he shoots you one of his huge entire face grins. Those grins can turn your entire day around in an instant.
He cherishes his family, sings to everything and anything musical, loves theater and movies, and is as much a Trekkie as he is a Star Wars fan. That’s righ
Joe Kaminer, a big muscular bear of a guy, could be imposing, that is, until he shoots you one of his huge entire face grins. Those grins can turn your entire day around in an instant.
He cherishes his family, sings to everything and anything musical, loves theater and movies, and is as much a Trekkie as he is a Star Wars fan. That’s right, he doesn’t have favorites of any kind. And the music? He does karaoke and DJs on the side as “DJ Joe Joe.”
Although Joe doesn’t talk about the years before he and his sister were adopted, he was, as he puts it, “in the foster child system” and 11 years old when they came to live with their new mom in Batesburg-Leesville.